Category Bar-B-Que

Barbecue recipes

17th Street Barbecue – Murphysboro, IL

In the world of barbecue, champion pitmaster Mike Mills is affectionately known as “The Legend.” He presides over the pits at his two nationally acclaimed 17th Street Barbecue barbecue restaurants in Southern Illinois. In the early 1990s, he was co-captain of the Apple City Barbecue…

Smoked Cheese

We love smoked cheese!    I’ve smoked cheese in my WSM before but the cold smoke attachment I used was less than great. This looked like a great idea and easy to use. A-MAZE-N Smoker Tray     The following video…

Making Perfect Bacon Deliciousness… Again

Several posts back we cured our own bacon and encouraged you to do the same. This post is a little different and much simpler. Let’s assume you see some thick sliced bacon on sale – really good quality product that…

How To Win A Chili Cookoff?

Make the best chili…  of course. Several years ago in support of the Chambersburg Noontime Lions club, we decided to enter the 2011 Annual Icefest chili cookoff.   The entry specified 20 gallons of chili so we knew we had…

Perfect Pastrami Sandwich

OK, I admit it… I LOVE Pastrami! Fifteen years ago I was a bit of a newbie to the food scene.  I mean, I knew about food… Steak, Pizza, Burgers, Ribs, Wings, etc. – but ask me about anything outside…

Make Your Own Pastrami – Perfectly

Perfect Pastrami Sandwich

Coming soon – my foray into the world of this wonderful Jewish Deli meat. In General, there are really only 3 steps: ‘Corn’ your brisket.  This is simply taking a trimmed brisket and brining it for several days in a mixture of…

Make Your Own Homemade Chili Powder

If all you’ve ever used is the store bought ‘wimpy excuse for real ingredient’ chili powder from the usual boring name brands you are in for a real treat! Not only will this stuff fill in for the generic brands…

Build Your Own Cold Smoker

Most of us have some kind of hot smoker that we use to do the ‘low and slow’ BBQ masters method to maintain 200-250 F heat source.  I’m looking to move into the preservation arena (peppers, meats, veggies, cheese, etc)…